Scandinavian Coating 20-21 mars 2019

Den 20–21 mars genomfördes mässan Scandinavian Coating för femte gången. Nordens ytbehandlingsindustri samlades den här gången i den över 100 år gamla Öksnehallen i Köpenhamn och totalt deltog närmare 70 företag och organisationer. Fraunhofer-Chalmers deltog med projektet Digi-Load tillsammans med Rise och SPF. Vice föreståndare…

Seminar March 26: The mind of the machine – digital twins and processing intelligence

Chalmers Area of Advance in Production is hosting a seminar March 26 at Lindholmen Conference Center, where Johan S Carlson, FCC , Rikard Söderberg, Chalmers and Wingquist Laboratory and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reiner Stark, TU Berlin and Fraunhofer IPK are among the keynote speakers. ​Industrial design…

Chalmers AI Research Centre – Kickoff

Chalmers is starting up an extensive initiative in the field of artificial intelligence to enhance and coordinate the current AI research. The Chalmers AI Research Centre, CHAIR, is a newly established research center, of which FCC constitutes an integral part. A kick-off event…

Konsten att implementera AI och dataanalys i industrin

Frukostseminarie med Do-Tank Har ni börjat fundera på att använda AI i er verksamhet men osäkra hur ni ska gå tillväga? Kanske samlar ni in en hel del data idag men saknar kompetensen att säkra datakvalitén eller bedöma vad den kan användas…

Congratulations to colleague Victor Nilsson on his Master’s degree!

On Wednesday, 19 December 2018, our colleague Viktor Nilsson presented and defended his master thesis “Modeling of Temperature Dependent Surface Tension Forces”. Abstract One of the challenges with CFD simulations of metal AM is to properly model the temperature dependent surface tension force driving…

Congratulations to colleague Felix Held on his licentiate degree!

On Friday 23 November 2018, our colleague Felix Held presented and defended his licentiate thesis “Modelling of drug-effect on time-varying biomarkers”. Abstract Model-based quantification of drug effect is an efficient tool during pre-clinical and clinical phases of drug trials. Mathematical modelling can lead…

Watch how FCC’s Software IBOFlow is used for Urban Wind Simulation on Swedish national channel TV4

In the project Virtual City@Chalmers a digital twin of Gothenburg is developed together with the City of Gothenburg. Future urban planning will be based on such identical digital copies of the cities and advanced simulations used to analyze for example wind speed around…

Earn Money with Mathematics, 26 September 2018

On 26 September 2018, FCC hosts the annual student lunch “Earn money with mathematics”, where engineering and mathematics students from a number of selected Chalmers and Gothenburg University master programs have been invited.

Congratulations to colleague Edvin Åblad for receiving a prize for best thesis

Our excellent colleague Edvin Åblad was awarded a prize for best thesis at Master level on an industrial project by ECMI, European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry. The thesis was named “Intersection-free load balancing for industrial robots. Modelling and algorithm development.” and…

FCC länkar samman Sverige och Tyskland

Tyska Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft är Europas största forskningsorganisation med fokus på industrinära forskning och med förgreningar runt om i världen. 2001 bildades Fraunhofer-Chalmers Centre (FCC) i samarbete med Chalmers Tekniska högskola i Göteborg och har sedan starten genomfört över 500 projekt inom främst modellering…