Football Analysis in VR – Texture Estimation with Differentiable Rendering and Diffusion Models

F. Anjou, A. Ekström. Master thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, 18 June 2024. Supervisor A. Sjöberg.

Enhancing Rigid Body Path Planning via Anchor Frame Optimization: Anchor Frame Impact Assessment and Strategization

S. Alvinge, A. Blom, Master thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, 14 June 2024. Supervisor: R. Bohlin.

LocalPoly interpolation: Generalizing tricubic for Cn continuity in M-dimensional spaces

E. Åblad, Engineering Reports. 2024;e12888. 28 March 2024.

Automatic Cable Harness Layout Routing in a Customizable 3D Environment

T. Karlsson, E. Åblad, T. Hermansson, J.S. Carlson, G. Tenfält. Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 169, 103671, 20 January 2024.

Towards Enhanced Functionality and Usability of Giving Manikin Task Instructions in a DHM Tool

P. Mårdberg, D. Högberg, J.S. Carlson, R. Söderberg. Proceedings of the 8th International Digital Human Modeling Symposium, DHM 2023, pp 44-51. Antwerp, Belgium, 4-6 September 2023.

Impact of shear and extensional stiffness on equilibrium configurations of elastic Cosserat rods

J. Linn, F. Schneider-Jung, M. Roller, T. Hermansson. ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics, 24-28 July , 2023, Lisbon, Portugal.

Assessing Ergonomics on Cobot for an Optimized Integrated Solution in Early Phase of Product and Process Design

V. Cibrario, M. Vargas Gonzalez, C. Fantuzzi, M. P. Cavatorta, E. Bosani, D. Dengel, M. Schaub, N. Delfs, E. Fägerlind, A. Bagalà, D. Spensieri. 14th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2023). AHFE Open Access, vol 76, January 2023

3D Model-Based Large-Volume Metrology Supporting Smart Manufacturing and Digital Twin Concepts

R. P. Lindqvist, D. Strand, M. Nilsson, V. Collins, J. Torstensson, J. Kressin, D. Spensieri, A. Archenti. Metrology. 2023; 3(1):29-64. January 18, 2023.

Spatial–Temporal Load Balancing and Coordination of Multi-Robot Stations

E. Åblad, D. Spensieri, R. Bohlin, J. S. Carlson and A. -B. Strömberg. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, October 25, 2022

Robust optimization of a bi-objective tactical resource allocation problem with uncertain qualification costs

S. Fotedar, A.-B. Strömberg, E. Åblad, T. Almgren. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, October 10, 2022. 36(2)

Assessment of weld manufacturability of alternative jet engine structural components through digital experiments

J. Martinsson Bonde, A. Brahma, M. Panarotto, O. Isaksson, K. Wärmefjord, R. Söderberg, T. Kipouros, P. Clarkson, J. Kressin, P. Andersson. 2022 Proceedings of ISABE, Ottawa Canada. September 25 2022

ME-BVH: Memory Efficient Bounding Volume Hierarchies

E. Shellshear, Y. Li, J.S. Carlson. In Proceedings of the 7th International Digital Human Modeling Symposium (DHM 2022), August 29-31, 2022. Iowa City, USA and virtually.

User-Guided Grasp Planning for Digital Hand

Y. Li, N. Delfs, J.S. Carlson. In Proceedings of the 7th International Digital Human Modeling Symposium (DHM 2022), August 29-31, 2022. Iowa City, USA and virtually.

Design concept evaluation in digital human modeling tools

L. Hanson, D. Högberg, A. Brolin, E. Brolin, M. Lebram, A. Isiondo Pascual, A. Lind, N. Delfs. In Proceedings of the 7th International Digital Human Modeling Symposium (DHM 2022), August 29-31, 2022. Iowa City, USA and virtually.

Development of body shape data based digital human models for ergonomics simulations

E. Brolin, N. Delfs, M. Rebas, T. Karlsson, L. Hanson, D. Högberg. In Proceedings of the 7th International Digital Human Modeling Symposium (DHM 2022), August 29-31, 2022. Iowa City, USA and virtually.

Mathematical Modelling and Methods for Load Balancing and Coordination of Multi-Robot Stations

E. Åblad, PhD thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, 13 June 2022. Supervisors: R. Bohlin, D. Spensieri.

Mathematical Modelling and Methods for Load Balancing and Coordination of Multi-Robot Stations

E. Åblad, PhD thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, 13 June 2022. Supervisor: A-B Strömberg; Co-supervisors: R. Bohlin, D. Spensieri.

Optimization of ergonomic grip choices in simulations of industrial assembly

M. Cederlund. Master thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, 8 June 2022. Supervisor: D. Spensieri, E. Åblad.

Interactive formal specification for efficient preparation of intelligent automation systems

M. Dahl, C. Larsen, E. Eros, K. Bengtsson, M. Fabian, P. Falkman. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, Volume 38, August 2022, 129-138. Online 2 May 2022.

Generating Optimized Trajectories for Robotic Spray Painting

D. Gleeson, S. Jakobsson, R. Salman, F. Ekstedt, N. Sandgren, F. Edelvik, J. S. Carlson, B. Lennartson. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 16 March 2022.

Collision-free path coordination and cycle time optimization of industrial robot cells

D. Spensieri, PhD thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, 19 November 2021. Supervisor Dr. Johan Carlson.

Multi-Domain Design Assessment for Aerospace Components Including Weld Accessibility

O. Isaksson, T. Kipouros, J. Martinsson, M. Panarotto, J. Kressin, P. Andersson, J.P. Clarkson. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED21), Gothenburg, Sweden, 16-20 August 2021. Proceedings of the Design Society , Vol. 1, August 2021 , pp. 2217-2226. Online 27 July 2021.

Routing of curves with piecewise constant curvature applied to routing of preformed hoses

T. Hermansson, E. Åblad. Journal of Computer-Aided Design, Volume 139, 2021. Online 29 June 2021.

Modeling and optimization of implementation aspects in industrial robot coordination

D. Spensieri, E. Åblad, R. Bohlin, J.S. Carlson, R. Söderberg. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 69, 102097. June 2021.

Exact makespan minimization of unrelated parallel machines

E. Åblad, A-B. Strömberg, D. Spensieri. Open Journal of Mathematical Optimization, Vol. 2 (2021), article no. 2, 15 p. Online 11 May 2021.

Digital validation of cable performance for vehicles in operation

F. Schneider, J. Linn, F. Andersson. Commercial Vehicle Technology 2020/2021, pp 405-416. Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 18 April 2021.

Quasi-Static path optimization for industrial robots with dress packs

T. Hermansson, J.S. Carlson, J. Linn, J. Kressin. Journal of Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Vol. 68, April 2021, 102055.

Computational Methods for Design, Planning and Verification regarding Deformable 1D Objects

T. Hermansson, PhD thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, 26 March 2021.

Collision-free robot coordination and visualization tools for robust cycle time optimization

D. Spensieri, E. Ådal, J. Kressin, J. Carlson, A. Andersson. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, Aug. 2021, 21(4): 041011 (9 pages). Online 23 February, 2021.

Continuous Collision Detection of Pairs of Robot Motions Under Velocity Uncertainty

E. Åblad, D. Spensieri, R. Bohlin, A-B.Strömberg, in IEEE Transactions on Robotics, p. 1-12. 25 January 2021

Digital Human Motion Planning of Operation Sequences Using Optimal Control of Hybrid Systems

S. Björkenstam, P. Mårdberg, M. Roller, J. S. Carlson. DHM2020 : Proceedings of the 6th International Digital Human Modeling Symposium, 31 August-2 September, 2020, 2020, vol. 11, pp. 115-120.

The Use and Usage of Virtual Reality Technologies in Planning and Implementing New Workstations

R. Reinhard, P. Mårdberg, F. García Rivera, T. Forsberg, A. Berce, M. Fang, D. Högberg. DHM2020 : Proceedings of the 6th International Digital Human Modeling Symposium, 31 August-2 September, 2020, 2020, vol. 11, pp. 388-397.

A Digital Human Model for the Simulation of Dynamic Driving Maneuvers

M. Roller, V. Dörlich, J. Linn, S. Björkenstam, P. Mårdberg. DHM2020 : Proceedings of the 6th International Digital Human Modeling Symposium, 31 August-2 September, 2020, 2020, vol. 11, pp. 269 – 276.

Robot spray painting trajectory optimization

D. Gleeson, S. Jakobsson, R. Salman, N. Sandgren, F. Edelvik, J. S. Carlson, B. Lennartson. 2020 IEEE 16th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) (1135-1140), 20-21 August 2020.

Optimization of Cable Harness Routing

T. Karlsson. Master thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, 8 June 2020. Supervisors: E. Åblad, T. Hermansson.

Branch-and-Bound for the Precedence Constrained Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem (Extended Abstract)

R. Salman, F. Ekstedt, P. Damaschke, The Thirteenth International Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SoCS 2020), 8 May 2020.

Construction of Bounding Volume Hierarchies for Triangle Meshes with Mixed Face Sizes

Y. Li, E. Shellshear, R. Bohlin, J. S. Carlson. In Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2020), June 2020. Accepted for publication.

Contact-based Bounding Volume Hierarchy for Assembly Tasks

E. Shellshear, Y. Li, R. Bohlin, J. S. Carlson. In Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2020), June 2020. Accepted for publication.

Mathematical Modelling for Load Balancing and Minimization of Coordination Losses in Multirobot Stations

E. Åblad. Licentiate thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, 3 April 2020. Supervisors: R. Bohlin, D. Spensieri, A-B Strömberg.

Branch-and-bound for the Precedence Constrained Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem

R. Salman, F. Ekstedt, P. Damaschke. Operations Research Letters, Vol. 48, Issue 2, Pages 163-166. March 2020.

Implementation of a Rapidly Executing Robot Controller

D. Gleeson, C. Larsen, J.S. Carlson, B. Lennartsson. 2019 IEEE 15th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), p.1341-1346. Vancouver, Canada, 22-26 August, 2019.

Localized helix configurations of discrete Cosserat rods

V. Dörlich, T. Hermansson, J. Linn. ECCOMAS Multibody Dynamics Conference 2019, Duisburg, Germany, 15-18 July, 2019

Comparison of Measured EMG Data with Simulated Muscle Actuations of a Biomechanical Human Arm Model in an Optimal Control Framework–Direct Vs. Muscle Synergy Actuation

M Obentheuer, M Roller, S Björkenstam, K Berns, J Linn. Multibody Dynamics 2019. ECCOMAS 2019. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, vol 53. 28 June 2019

DHM Based Test Procedure Concept for Proactive Ergonomics Assessments in the Vehicle Interior Design Process

D. Högberg, P. Ruiz Castro, P. Mårdberg, N. Delfs, et al. Proceedings of the 20th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2018). Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 822. 7 August, 2018.

Inverse Dynamics for Discrete Geometric Mechanics of Multibody Systems With Application to Direct Optimal Control

S. Björkenstam, S. Leyendecker, J. Linn, J. S. Carlson, B. Lennartson. ASME. J. Comput. Nonlinear Dynam. 2018;13(10):101001-101001-15, 30 July, 2018.

Geometry alignment for collaborative robots

M. Canavero. Master thesis, Politecnico di Torino, Department of Control and Computer Engineering, July 2018.

Including a Collaborative Robot in Digital Twin Manufacturing Systems

C. Larsen. Master thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, June 2018.

Accelerating Proximity Queries for Non-convex Geometries in a Robot Cell Context

J. Thorén. Master thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, June 2018.

Real-time Tracking of Human Motions and Adaptive Robot Path Planning for Assembly Cooperation

H. Berggren and F. Melvås. Master thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, June 2018.

Walking Generation for Virtual Manikin

E. Fägerlind. Master thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, June 2018.

A novel tool for optimization and verification of layout and human logistics in digital factories

P. Mårdberg, J. Fredby, K. Engström, Y. Li , R. Bohlin, J. Berglund, J. S. Carlson, J. Vallhagen. In proceedings of the 51st CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, Stockholm, Sweden, 16-18 May 2018.

On motion planning for narrow-clearance assemblies using virtual manikins

Y. Li, N. Delfs, P. Mårdberg, R. Bohlin, J. S. Carlson. In proceedings of the 51st CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, Stockholm, Sweden, 16-18 May 2018.

Data Flow and Communication Framework Supporting Digital Twin for Geometry Assurance

R. Bohlin, J. Hagmar, K. Bengtsson, L. Lindkvist, J.S. Carlson, R. Söderberg. Proceedings of ASME IMECE, Paper No. IMECE2017-71405. Tampa, Florida, USA, 5-8 November 2017.

Intersection-Free Geometrical Partitioning of Multirobot Stations for Cycle Time Optimization

E. Åblad, D. Spensieri, R. Bohlin, J. S. Carlson. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol. PP, Issue: 99, p 1-10, , 26 October 2017.

Virtual test persons based on diverse anthropometric data for ergonomics simulations and analysis

E. Brolin, D. Högberg, L. Hanson, S. Björkenstam. In Proceedings of the 49th NES 2017 Conference" Joy at Work", Lund, August 20-23, 2017 (pp. 232-239). Lund University, Faculty of Engineering.

Comparing a Clipmap to a Sparse Voxel Octree for Global Illumination

E. Arnebäck. Master thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, supervisor E. Sintorn, advisor J. S. Carlson, 30 June 2017.

Cable Dynamics and Fatigue Analysis for Digital Mock-Up in Vehicle Industry

F. Schneider, J. Linn, T. Hermansson, F. Andersson. Proceedings of the 8th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics, Prague, June 19 – 22 (2017).

Kinetic Aspects of Discrete Cosserat Rods

J. Linn, T. Hermansson, F. Andersson, F. Schneider. Proceedings of the 8th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics, Prague, 19-22 June 2017.

A framework for motion planning of digital humans using discrete mechanics and optimal control

S. Björkenstam, J. Nyström, J. S. Carlson, M. Roller, J. Linn, L. Hanson, D. Högberg, S. Leyendecker. 5th International Digital Human Modeling Symposium (DHM2017), June 26-28, 2017, Bonn, Germany. p. 64-71. Online 16 August 2017.

Human like Motion Generation for Ergonomic Assessment – A Muscle driven Digital Human Model using Muscle Synergies

M. Obentheuer, M. Roller, S. Björkenstam, K. Berns, J. Linn. Proceedings of the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics, Prague, Czech Republic, June 19-22, 2017.

Optimal control of a biomechanical multibody model for the dynamic simulation of working tasks

M. Roller, S. Björkenstam, J. Linn, S. Leyendecker. Best paper award, Proceedings of the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics, Prague, Czech Republic, June 19-22, 2017.

Visualization of part surfaces for identifying feasible assembly grasp locations

Y. Li, J. Kressin, S. Vajedi, J. S. Carlson. In Proceedings of the 5th International Digital Human Modeling Symposium (DHM 2017), Bonn, Germany, June 2017, p. 46-54. Online 16 August 2017.

Planning Robotic Assembly Sequences

D. Spensieri. Licentiate thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, supervisors J. S. Carlson and R. Söderberg, 29 March, 2017.

Computational Methods for Deformable 1D Objects in Virtual Product Realization

T. Hermansson. Licentiate thesis. Chalmers University of Technology, supervisors J. S. Carlson and R. Söderberg, 3 March, 2017.

Methods for Direct Optimal Control of Multibody Systems

S. Björkenstam. Licentiate thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, supervisors J.S. Carlson, S. Leyendecker and B. Lennartsson, November 2016.

Intersection-free load balancing for industrial robots – Modelling and algorithm development

E. Åblad. Master thesis, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg, supervisor D. Spensieri, examinator A-B Strömberg, August 2016.

Automatic routing of flexible 1D components with functional and manufacturing constraints

T. Hermansson, R. Bohlin, J.S. Carlson, R. Söderberg. Computer-Aided Design, Volume 79, October 2016, Pages 27–35. Online 20 May, 2016

Controller Hierarchies for Efficient Virtual Ergonomic Assessments of Manual Assembly Sequences

P. Mårdberg, Y. Yan, R. Bohlin, N. Delfs, S. Gustafsson, J.S. Carlson. Procedia CIRP, 6th CIRP Conference on Assembly Technologies and Systems (CATS), 16-18 May, 2016. Volume 44, 2016, Pages 435–440.

Virtual Geometry Assurance Process and Toolbox

R. Söderberg, L. Lindkvist, K. Wärmefjord, J.S. Carlson. Procedia CIRP, 14th CIRP CAT 2016 - CIRP Conference on Computer Aided Tolerancing, 16-18 May, 2016. Volume 43, 2016, Pages 3–12.

Identification of Material Parameters of Complex Cables from Scanned 3D Shapes

T. Hermansson, S. Vajedi, T. Forsberg, F. Ekstedt, J. Kressin, C. Toft, J.S. Carlson. Procedia CIRP, 14th CIRP CAT 2016 - CIRP Conference on Computer Aided Tolerancing, May 16-18, 2016, Volume 43, 2016, Pages 280–285.

Optimal Robot Placement for Tasks Execution

D. Spensieri, J.S. Carlson, R. Bohlin, J. Kressin, J. Shi. Procedia CIRP, 6th CIRP Conference on Assembly Technologies and Systems (CATS), 16-18 May, 2016. Volume 44, 2016, Pages 395–400.

Robot Station Optimization for Minimizing Dress Pack Problems

J.S. Carlson, J. Kressin, T. Hermansson, R. Bohlin, M. Sundbäck, H. Hansson. Procedia CIRP, 6th CIRP Conference on Assembly Technologies and Systems (CATS), 16-18 May, 2016. Volume 44, 2016, Pages 389–394.

Towards Energy Optimization Using Trajectory Smoothing and Automatic Code Generation for Robotic Assembly

D. Gleeson, S. Björkenstam, R. Bohlin, J.S. Carlson, B. Lennartson. Procedia CIRP, 6th CIRP Conference on Assembly Technologies and Systems (CATS), 16-18 May, 2016. Volume 44, 2016, Pages 341–346.

An Industrially Validated CMM Inspection Process with Sequence Constraints

R. Salman, J.S. Carlson, F. Ekstedt, D. Spensieri, J. Torstensson, R. Söderberg. Procedia CIRP, 6th CIRP Conference on Assembly Technologies and Systems (CATS), 16-18 May, 2016. Volume 44, 2016, Pages 138–143.

Enhancing Digital Human Motion Planning of Assembly Tasks Through Dynamics and Optimal Control

S. Björkenstam, N. Delfs, J.S. Carlson, R. Bohlin, B. Lennartson. Procedia CIRP, 6th CIRP Conference on Assembly Technologies and Systems (CATS), 16-18 May, 2016. Volume 44, 2016, Pages 20–25.

Using Product and Manufacturing System Platforms to Generate Producible Product Variants

J. Landahl, C. Levandowski, H. Johannesson, R. Söderberg, K. Wärmefjord, J.S. Carlson, J. Kressin, O. Isaksson, J. Vallhagen. 6th CIRP Conference on Assembly Technologies and Systems (CATS), Procedia CIRP, Volume 44, 2016, Pages 61–66.

An Iterative Approach for Collision Free Routing and Scheduling in Multirobot Stations

D. Spensieri, J.S. Carlson, F. Ekstedt, R. Bohlin. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (Volume: 13, Issue: 2), 5 April, 2016, pages 950-962.

Fast exact shortest distance queries for massive point clouds

D. Eriksson, E. Shellshear. Graphical Models, Online 19 March, 2016 (In press).

An External Memory Algorithm for the Minimum Enclosing Ball Problem

L. Källberg, E. Shellshear, T. Larsson. In Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, ISBN 978-989-758-175-5, pages 81-88, Rome, Italy, 27-29 February, 2016.

Controlling Geometrical Variation Caused by Assembly Fixtures

K. Wärmefjord, J. S. Carlson, R. Söderberg. RASME. Journal of Computing and Information Science Engineering February 17, 2016;16(1): 011007-011007-8.

Creating and shaping the DHM tool IMMA for ergonomic product and production design

D. Högberg, L. Hanson, R. Bohlin, J. S. Carlson. International Journal of the Digital Human 1 (2), 132-152, January 2016.

Space Boards: Combining Tangible Interfaces with the Surrounding Space via RGB-D Cameras

E. Shellshear. International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics (IJCICG), 7(1), 40-56, January 2016.

Optimizing robot trajectories for automatic robot code generation

D Gleeson, S Björkenstam, R Bohlin, JS Carlson, B Lennartson. Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2015 IEEE International Conference, August 24-28, 2015, 495 - 500

Exploiting sparsity in the discrete mechanics and optimal control method with application to human motion planning

S Björkenstam, JS Carlson, B Lennartson. Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2015 IEEE International Conference, August 24-28, 2015, 769 - 774.

A multi-threaded memetic packing algorithm for the ISO luggage packing problem

E Shellshear, JS Carlson, R Bohlin, S Tafuri. Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2015 IEEE International Conference, August 24-28, 2015, 1509 - 1514

Algorithms for the Precedence Constrained Generalized Travelling Salesperson Problem

R. Salman, Master thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, supervisor F. Ekstedt, August 27, 2015

Flexible surface of air bellow simulated in IPS

A. Björklund, P. Eljas. Bachelor thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, supervisor J. Nyström, 2015

An Iterative Approach for Collision Free Routing and Scheduling in Multirobot Stations

D. Spensieri, J. S. Carlson, F. Ekstedt, R. Bohlin. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. June 1, 2015, PP(99), 1-13.

Fast Distance Queries for Triangles, Lines, and Points using SSE Instructions

E. Shellshear, R. Ytterlid, Proceedings of the 19th meeting of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, 2015

BVH Split Strategies for Fast Distance Queries

R. Ytterlid, E. Shellshear, Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques (JCGT), vol. 4, no. 1, 1-25, 2015

Maximizing the Value of Smart Factory Systems by Incremental Laser Scans and Customization Analysis

E. Shellshear, R. Berlin, Johan S. Carlson. Journal of Computer Graphics and Applications, March 2015.

Using a Formal High-level Language to Instruct Manikins to Assemble Cables

P. Mårdberg, J.S. Carlson, R. Bohlin, N. Delfs, S. Gustafsson, L. Hanson, Procedia CIRP 23, 29-34, 2014.

Efficient Sequencing of Industrial Robots through Optimal Control

S. Björkenstam, D. Spensieri, J. S. Carlson, R. Bohlin, D. Gleeson, 5th CATS 2014 - CIRP Conference on Assembly Technologies and Systems, 2014, 23, 194–199.

Minimizing Dimensional Variation and Robot Traveling Time in Welding Stations

J. S. Carlson, D. Spensieri, K. Wärmefjord, J. Segeborn, R. Söderberg, 5th CATS 2014 - CIRP Conference on Assembly Technologies and Systems, 2014, 23, 77-82.

Fast Distance Queries for Triangles, Lines, and Points using SSE Instructions

E. Shellshear, R. Ytterlid, Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques (JCGT), December 2014, vol. 3, no. 4, 86-110

Automatic Creation of Manikin Motions Affected by Cable Forces

N. Delfs, R. Bohlin, S. Gustafsson, J.S Carlson. "Automatic Creation of Manikin Motions Affected by Cable Forces", Procedia CIRP 23, 35-40, 2014.

Variation simulation for composite parts and assemblies including variation in fiber orientation and thickness

C. Jareteg, K. Wärmefjord, R. Söderberg, L. Lindkvist, J. S. Carlson, C. Cromvik, F. Edelvik. In proceedings from the 5th CATS 2014 - CIRP Conference on Assembly Systems and Technologies, Dresden, Germany, November 2014.

Geometry Assurance Integrating Process Variation with Simulation of Spring-in for Composite Parts and Assemblies

C. Jareteg, K. Wärmefjord, C. Cromvik, R. Söderberg, L. Lindkvist, J. S. Carlson, F. Edelvik. In proceedings from ASME IMECE 2014, Montreal, Canada, November 2014.

A Heuristic Framework for Path Planning the Largest Volume Object from a Start to Goal Configuration

E. Shellshear, R. Bohlin. 11th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2014)

Approximate distance queries for path-planning in massive point clouds

D. Eriksson, E. Shellshear. 11th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2014)

Human Interaction Solutions for Intuitive Motion Generation of a Virtual Manikin

L. Caltagirone, Master thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, supervisors N. Delfs, P. Mårdberg, examiner M. Wahde, August 2014.

Optimisation of robotised sealing stations in paint shops by process simulation and automatic path planning

A. Mark, R. Bohlin, D. Segerdahl, F. Edelvik, J. S. Carlson, International Journal of Manufacturing Research, 2014, 9(1), 4–26.

Statistical methods for estimation of paint thickness and its variance

H. Marling, Master thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, supervisors F. Ekstedt, B. Andresson, June 2014.

1D sweep-and-prune self-collision detection for deforming cables

E. Shellshear, The Visual Computer, May 2014, 30(5), 553-564.

IMMA – intelligently moving manikins in automotive applications

L. Hanson, D. Högberg, J. S. Carlson, R. Bohlin, E. Brolin, N. Delfs, P. Mårdberg, S. Gustafsson, A. Keyvani, I-M. Rhen, Proceeding of ISHS 2014, Third International Summit on Human Simulation, Tokyo, Japan, 2014.

A Framework for Combing Digital Human Simulations with Robots and Other Objects

R. Bohlin, N. Delfs, P. Mårdberg, J. S. Carlson, Proceeding of ISHS 2014, Third International Summit on Human Simulation, Tokyo, Japan, 2014.

A multi-threaded algorithm for computing the largest non-colliding moving geometry

E. Shellshear, S. Tafuri, J. S. Carlson, Computer-Aided Design, April, 2014, 49, 1–7.

Point Cloud Simplification and Processing for Path-Planning

D. Eriksson, Master thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, supervisor E. Shellshear, March 2014.

Using a formal high-level language and an automated manikin to automatically generate assembly instructions

P. Mårdberg, J. S. Carlson, R. Bohlin, N. Delfs, S. Gustafsson, D. Högberg, L. Hanson. Int. J. of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation, 2014 Vol.4, No.3/4, pp.233 - 249

An Industrially Validated Method for Weld Load Balancing in Multi Station Sheet Metal Assembly Lines

J. Segeborn, D. Segerdahl, F. Ekstedt, J. S. Carlson, M. Andersson, A. Carlsson, R. Söderberg. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Nov 5, 2013, 136(1), 011002.

Guide to Load Analysis for Durability in Vehicle Engineering

P. Johannesson, M. Speckert. Guide to Load Analysis for Durability in Vehicle Engineering, Wiley Online Library, September 20, 2013.

SIMD Optimized Bounding Volume Hierarchies for Fast Proximity Queries

R. Ytterlid, Master thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, supervisor E. Shellshear, October 2013.

Energy efficient and collision free motion of industrial robots using optimal control

S. Bjorkenstam, D. Gleeson, R. Bohlin, J. S. Carlson, B. Lennartson. IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), August 17, 2013, 510-515.

Coordination of robot paths for cycle time minimization

D. Spensieri, R. Bohlin, J. S. Carlson, IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), August 17, 2013, 522-527

Automatic assembly path planning for wiring harness installations

T. Hermansson, R. Bohlin, J. S. Carlson, R. Söderberg. Journal of manufacturing systems, July 31, 2013, 32(3), 417-422.

Non-nominal path planning for robust robotic assembly

J. S. Carlson, D. Spensieri, R. Söderberg, R. Bohlin, L. Lindkvist. Journal of manufacturing systems, July 31, 2013, 32(3), 429-435

Introducing Stability of Forces to the Automatic Creation of Digital Human Postures

N. Delfs, R. Bohlin, L. Hanson, D. Högberg, J. S. Carlson. 2nd International Digital Human Modeling, June 11-13, 2013.

Path optimization for multi-robot station minimizing dresspack wear

J. Kressin, Master thesis, Chalmers University of Technology Department of Signals and Systems, supervisors D. Segerdahl and T. Hermansson, examiner B. Lennartson, May 2013.

Simulation of a Non-Newtonian Dense Granular Suspension in a Microfluidic Contraction

A. Mark, R. Bohlin, D. Segerdahl, F. Edelvik. International Conference on Multiphase Flow, May 2013.

Geometric variation simulation and robust design for flexible cables and hoses

T. Hermansson, J. S. Carlson, S. Björkenstam, R. Söderberg. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, May 1, 2013, 227(5), 681-689.

PDQ: Parallel Distance Queries for deformable meshes

E. Shellshear, F. Bitar, U. Assarsson. Graphical Models, March 2013, 75(2), 69–78.

3D Scanning and Automatic Path Planning of Paint Process in General Coating Industry

H. Söröd, R. Ingemarsson, A. Mark, R. Bohlin, D. Segerdahl, F. Edelvik, J. S. Carlson, Proc. from the 5th International Swedish Production Symposium SPS12, 2012, p. 21-25.

Automatic collision free path planning in hybrid triangle and point models: a case study

S. Tafuri, E. Shellshear, R. Bohlin, J.S. Carlson. Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 282

Using Ergonomic Criteria to Adaptively Define Test Manikins for Design Problems

P. Mårdberg, J. S. Carlson, R. Bohlin, L. Hanson, D. Högberg, Advances in Applied Human Modeling and Simulation, 2012, 265-274.

Improved Spray Paint Thickness Calculation From Simulated Droplets Using Density Estimation

S. Tafuri, F. Ekstedt, J. S. Carlson, A. Mark, F. Edelvik, International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Aug 2012 2012-70821, pp. 339-347

A Combinatorial Packing Algorithm and Standard Trunk Geometry for ISO Luggage Packing

E. Shellshear, J.S. Carlson, R. Bohlin. ASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, August 12, 2012, 307-313

Automatic Fitting of a 3D Character to a Computer Manikin

S. Gustafsson, S. Tafuri, N. Delfs, P. Mårdberg, J. S. Carlson, 2nd International Conference on Applied Digital Human Modeling, July 21-25, 2012, San Francisco.

Comparison of Algorithms for Automatic Creation of Virtual Manikin Motions

N.Delfs, R. Bohlin, P. Mårdberg, S. Gustafsson, J. S. Carlson, 2nd International Conference on Applied Digital Human Modeling, San Francisco, July 21-25 2012.

Construction of discrete shell models by geometric finite differences

C. Weischedel, A. Tuganov, T. Hermansson, J. Linn, M. Wardetzky. The 2nd Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics IMSD 2012, Stuttgart, Germany, May 29–June 1, 2012.

Automatic path planning for wiring harness installations (wt)

T. Hermansson, R. Bohlin, J. S. Carlson, R. Söderberg, 4th CIRP Conference on Assembly Technology and Systems - CATS 2012, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA on May 21-23, 2012.

Non-nominal path planning for increased robustness of robotized assembling processes

D. Spensieri, J. S. Carlson, R. Bohlin, L. Lindkvist, R. Söderberg, 4th CIRP Conference on Assembly Technology and Systems - CATS 2012, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA on May 21-23, 2012.

Assembly verification and geometry design by distance field based shrinking

S. Björkenstam, J. Segeborn, J. S. Carlson, R. Bohlin, 4th CIRP Conference on Assembly Technology and Systems - CATS 2012, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA on May 21-23, 2012.

Optimization of Robotized Sealing Stations in Paint Shops by Process Simulation and Automatic Path Planning

A. Mark, R. Bohlin, Daniel Segerdahl, Fredrik Edelvik, Johan S. Carlson, Proc. from the 5th International Swedish Production Symposium, November, 2012, SPS12, pp. 487-496

A Modified TAB Model for Simulation of Atomization in Rotary Bell Spray Painting

B. Andersson, V. Golovitchev, S. Jakobsson, A. Mark, F. Edelvik, L. Davidson, J.S. Carlson, Triennial International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, March 2012, 2163-2405.

A Generalized Method for Weld Load Balancing in Multi Station Sheet Metal Assembly Lines

Segeborn, J., Segerdahl, D., Ekstedt, F., Carlson, J.S., Carlsson, A., Söderberg, R., 2011, Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition IMECE2011, November 11-17, Denver, Colorado, USA.

Approximating Optimal Swept Volumes in Two and Three Dimensions

C. Bengtsson, Master thesis, GU, supervisor E. Shellshear, Examiner B. Johansson, October 2011.

Parameters influencing the Perception of Geometrical Deviations in a Virtual Environment

Forslund, K., Wagersten, O., Tafuri, S., Segerdahl, D., Carlson, J.S., Lindkvist, L., Söderberg, R., 2011, The ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, August 28 – September 31, Washington, DC, USA.

Evaluating Genetic Algorithms on Welding Sequence Optimization with Respect to Dimensional Variation and Cycle Time

J. Segeborn, J. S. Carlson, K. Wärmefjord, R. Söderberg, ASME IDETC August 28–31, 2011. DETC2011-48393, 697-704.

PLM Architecture for Optimization of Geometrical Interfaces in a Product Platform

C. Levandowski, P. Edholm, F. Ekstedt, J. S. Carlson, R. Söderberg, H. Johannesson, ASME 2011 IDETC. August 28–31, 2011. DETC2011-47801, 1237-1244.

Using CSP Solvers for Partial Configuration in Automotive Configuration Problems

O. Sachenkova, S. Thapaliya, Master thesis, Chalmers, supervisor F. Ekstedt, examiner C. Strannegård, July 2011.

Adaptive Bounding Volume Hierarchies for Deformable Surface Models

F. Bitar, Master thesis, Chalmers, supervisor E. Shellshear, examiner U. Assarsson, June 2011.

Implementation of a Generic Virtual Robot Controller

V. Jönsson, T. Ustyan, Master thesis, Chalmers, supervisors S. Björkenstam, R. Bohlin, D. Segerdahl, examiner M. Fabian, June 2011.

Unified solution of manikin physics and positioning. Exterior root by introduction of extra parameters

R. Bohlin, N. Delfs, L. Hanson, D. Högberg, J. S. Carlson, First International Symposium on Digital Human Modeling, June 14-16, 2011, Lyon, France.

IMMA – Intelligently Moving Manikins – Project Status 2011

L. Hanson, D. Högberg, R. Bohlin, J. S. Carlson, Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Digital Human Modeling, Lyon, France, June, 2011.

Manikin in Time; Development of a Virtual Manikin with Inverse Kinematics and Comfort

N. Delfs, Master thesis, GU, supervisor R. Bohlin, Examiner T. Ericsson, May 2011.

Including Assembly Fixture Repeatability in Rigid and Non-Rigid Variation Simulation

K. Wärmefjord, R. Söderberg, J. S. Carlson. Proceedings of the ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, November 12-18, 2010.

Load balancing of welds in multi station sheet metal assembly lines

J. Segeborn, D. Segerdahl, J. S.Carlson, A. Carlsson, R. Söderberg. Proceedings of the ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, November 12-18, 2010.

Evaluating Genetic Algorithms that Optimize Welding Sequence with Respect to Geometrical Assembly Variation

J. Segeborn, J. Torstensson, J. S. Carlson, R. Söderberg. In Proceedings of the NordDesign 2010 Conference, August 25 – 27, 2010, Göteborg, Sweden.

Throughput Maximization by Balancing, Sequencing and Coordinating Motions of Operations in Multi-Robot Stations

D. Spensieri, R. Bohlin, F. Ekstedt, J. Torstensson, J. S. Carlson. In Proceedings of the NordDesign 2010 Conference, August 25 – 27, 2010, Göteborg, Sweden.

An investigation of the effect of sample size on geometrical inspection point reduction using cluster analysis

K. Wärmefjord, J. S. Carlson, R. Söderberg. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 2010, 3, 227–235.

Modeling Surface Tension in SPH by Interface Reconstruction using Radial Basis Functions

B. Andersson, S. Jakobsson, A. Mark, F. Edelvik, L. Davidson, In proceedings of the 5th International SPHERIC Workshop, pp. 7-14,

Analytical Modelling of Aggregate Stiffness Parameters for Helically Bundled Cables

K. Hahn, Master thesis, Chalmers, supervisor T. Hermansson, examiner I. Rychlik , June 2010.

Simulating Geometrical Variation in Injection Molding

S. Lorin, R. Söderberg, J. S. Carlson, F. Edelvik, International Conference on Methods and Tools for Product and Production Development, August 2010, 8(2) 395-404.

Introducing fast robot roller hemming process in automotive industry

B. Saboori, J. S. Carlson, R. Söderberg, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, October, 2009, 58, 503-506.

Implementation of an interconnection between softPLC and simulation software

P. Magnusson, Master thesis, Chalmers, supervisor R. Bohlin , examiner M. Fabian , October 2009.

Variation Feedback and 3D Visualization of Geometrical Inspection Data

F. Wandebäck, R. Söderberg, J. S. Carlson, P-J Wahlborg, L. Lindkvist, F. Ekstedt, Proceedings of the ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC/CIE 2009, San Diego, California, USA, August 30 - September 2, 2009.

A Measure of the Information Loss for Inspection Point Reduction

K. Wärmefjord, J. S. Carlson, R. Söderberg. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Sep 25, 2009, 131(5), 051017.

Development of roller hemming process in automotive industry – Saab Automobile AB

B. Saboori, Master thesis, Chalmers, supervisors J. S. Carlson and R. Söderberg, June 2009.

Effective methods for solving the balanced and synchronised multiple TSP using genetic algorithms

G. Eek, C. Eriksson, Master thesis, University of Gothenburg, supervisor F. Ekstedt , examiner M. Wahde, June 2009.

Robotik och invers kinematik

N. Delfs, S. Gustafsson, P. Mårdberg, Bachelor report, Chalmers, supervisors R. Bohlin, J. S. Carlson, T. Ericsson, examiner C.-H. Fant, June 2009.

Surface interpolation for detail restoration

F. Andersson, Master thesis, Chalmers, supervisors R. Andersson, T. Hermansson and B. Johansson, June 2009.

A Method to Optimize Geometrical Quality and Motion Feasibility of Assembly Sequences

D. Spensieri, J. S. Carlson, L. Lindkvist, R. Bohlin, R. Söderberg. Accepted at the 11th CIRP International Conference on Computer Aided Tolerancing, Annecy, France, March 26th-27th 2009.

A Chronological Framework for Virtual Sheet Metal Assembly Design

J. Segeborn, A. Carlsson, J. S. Carlson, R. Söderberg. Accepted at the 11th CIRP International Conference on Computer Aided Tolerancing, Annecy, France, March 26th-27th 2009.

Parameters Influencing Geometrical Quality and Station Cycle Time in Sheet Metal Assemblies

J. Segeborn, J. S. Carlson, A. Carlsson, and R. Söderberg. Proceeedings of The 2nd Nordic Conference on Product Lifecycle Management, January 28-29, 2009.

A Measure of the Information Loss for Inspection Point Reduction

K. Wärmefjord, J. S. Carlson, R. Söderberg, Proceedings of the ASME 2008 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, August 3-6, 2008, Brooklyn, New York, USA.

Integrating Assembly Design, Sequence Optimization, and Advanced Path Planning

D. Spensieri, J. S. Carlson, R. Bohlin and R. Söderberg, the 34th ASME Design Automation Conference, New York City, NY, Aug. 3-6, 2008.

Beräkningseffektiv dilatation i 3D

G. Eek and M. Olvegård, Bachelor report, University of Gothenburg, supervisor F. Ekstedt, examiner M. Karlsteen, December 2007.

Geometry Design Supported by Minimizing and Visualizing Collision in Dynamic Packing

J. Segeborn, J. S. Carlson, R. Bohlin, R. Söderberg, Proceedings of the fourth International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Manufacturing Automation, 2007, Venice 23-25 November.

Variation Analysis Toolbox for Non-nominal Path Planning for Industrial Robots

L. Lindkvist. R. Söderberg, J. S. Carlson, Proceedings of IMECE2007 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition November 11-15, 2007, Seattle, Washington, USA.

Factory-in-a-box – solutions for availability and mobility of flexible production capacity

M. Hedelind, M. Jackson, P. Funk, J. Stahre, R. Söderberg, J. S. Carlson, M. Björkman, M. Winroth. I proceedings av 1st Swedish Production Symposium, 28-30 August, Göteborg, Sverige, 2007.

Geometrical inspection point reduction for rigid and non-rigid parts using cluster analysis – an industrial verification

K. Wärmefjord, J. S. Carlson, R. Söderberg. 10th CIRP Conference on Computer Aided Tolerancing, Specification and Verification for Assemblies, March 21-23, Erlangen, Germany, 2007.

Fast Simulation of Quasistatic Rod Deformations for VR Applications

J. Linn, T. Stephan, J. Carlsson, R. Bohlin, Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2006, 12, 247-253.

Managing Physical Dependencies through Location System Design

R. Söderberg, L. Lindkvist, J. S. Carlson. Journal of Engineering Design, 2006, 17(2), 325-346.

Optimering av robotceller

C. Roth and J. Edman, Master thesis, Chalmers, supervisors J. S. Carlson and R. Bohlin, examiner S. Ekered, June 2006.

Virtual Geometry Assurance For Effective Product Realisation

R. Söderberg, L. Lindkvist, J. S. Carlson, 1st Nordic Conference on Product Lifecycle Management - NordPLM' 06, Göteborg, January 25-26, 2006.

Non-nominal path planning of assembly processes

J. S. Carlson, R. Söderberg, R. Bohlin, L. Lindkvist, T. Hermansson. Proceedings of IMECE’05, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Orlando, Fl, USA, November 5-11, 2005.

Virtual Locator Trimming in Pre-Production – Rigid and Non-Rigid Analysis

L. Lindkvist , J. S. Carlson, R. Söderberg. Proceedings of IMECE2005, 2005 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 5-11, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA.

Automatic correction of surface normals on 3D models

J. Havner and O. Karlsson, Master thesis, Chalmers, supervisors J. S. Carlson and R. Bohlin, May 2005.

Development and Implementation of a Fast and Memory Efficient Sweep Volume Generation System

D. Segerdahl, S. Tafuri, Master thesis, Chalmers, supervisors J. S. Carlson and R. Bohlin, examiner L. Lindkvist, 2004.

Path Planning for Coordinate Measuring Machines

J. Svenberg, Master thesis, Chalmers, adviser J. S. Carlson and R. Bohlin, June 2004.

Geometrical Inspection Point Reduction Based on Combined Cluster and Sensitivity Analysis

J. S. Carlson, R. Söderberg, L. Lindkvist. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, November 19, 2003, Washington DC, USA.

Assembly Root Cause Analysis: A Way to Reduce Dimensional Variation in Assembled Products

J. S. Carlson, R. Söderberg. International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, April 2003, 15(2), 113-150.

Quadratic Sensitivity Analysis of Fixtures and Locating Scheme for Rigid Parts

J. S. Carlson, R. Söderberg. ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2001, 123(3), 462-472.
Photo credits: Nic McPhee